Montag, 15. Oktober 2012

Neue, interessante Animes ab Oktober 2012

Hier findet eine kleine Auswahl von neuen Animes, die gerade erst rausgekommen sind und die ich gar nicht so schlecht finde.

Also fangen wir an:

Platz 6: Btooom!


Ryōta Sakamoto is an unemployed 22-year-old who lives with his mother. In the real world, there may be nothing really special about him, but online, he's one of the world's top players of the combat game called Btooom!.
One day, he awakes in what appears to be a tropical island, though he has no memory of how or why he has come to be there. While wandering around, Ryōta sees someone and calls out for help. The stranger responds by throwing a bomb at him! Now Ryōta realizes both that his life is in danger and that he has somehow been trapped in a real-life version of his favorite game! Will Ryōta be able to survive long enough to figure out how and why he ended up here?

 Action, Science Fiction, Seinen, Psychological

Episodenanzahl bis jetzt:

3,5 von 5 Quallies

Grund: an einigen Stellen wird doch herbe Gewalt gezeigt; andererseits setzt sich die Serie auch hintergründig mit unserer Gesellschaft und der immer mehr voranschreitenden Entfremdung zwischen Menschen

Platz 5: Psycho-Pass


In the near future, it is possible to instantaneously measure a person's mental state, personality, and the probability that a person will commit crimes with a device called the Psycho-Pass installed on each citizen's body. When this probabilty, mesared by the "Crime Coefficent" index is too high in individuals, they are to be aprehended with lethal force if necessary. This task is performed by a special team compsed of Enforcers, which are selected criminals in potential who pursue other criminals, and Inspectors, police officers making sure their partners don't take things too far. Each enforcer and Inspector holds a special weapon called "Dominator", designed to fire only on those with a higher than normal Crime Coefficent. The story follows Enforcer Shinya Kōgami, who must solve and manage crimes in this dark future.                  (aus:

 Action, Science Fiction

Episodenanzahl bis jetzt:

4 von 5 Quallies

Grund:auch wenn der Zeichenstil von Psycho-Pass super toll ist, ist die Story doch serh ähnlich zu dem Film Minority Report (mit Tom Cruise); Man hätte sich sicher auch noch etwas innovativeres ausdenken können, aber da es ja erst die erste Episode war, kann ich noch nicht vollständig urteilen

(nochmal) Platz 5: K Anime

Leider findet man hier schwer eine gute Zusammenfassung. Bis jetzt hat man in den ersten zwei Episoden auch noch nicht viel erfahren.
Das ist alles etwas konfus ...

 Action, Supernatural

Episodenanzahl bis jetzt:

4 von 5 Quallies

Grund: der Zeichenstil der Serie reißt eigentlich alles raus; eigentlich war die Story bis jetzt eher nebensächlich, aber vielleicht ändert sich dies ja noch


Platz 3: Zetsuen no Tempest


The story revolves around Mahiro Fuwa, a teenager whose family was mysteriously murdered one year before, and his friend Yoshino Takigawa. Mahiro is contacted by Hakaze Kusaribe, the leader of the Kusaribe clan who was left stranded on an unknown deserted island by her followers, and agrees to help Hakaze in exchange for her help to find out the culprit for the death of his family. Upon learning of his friend's intentions, Yoshino joins him on his quest to stand against the Kusaribe clan who intends to awaken the "Tree of Zetsuen" whose power can bring ruin to the entire world.
Several dialogues and plot elements in Zetsuen no Tempest pay homage to the works of William Shakespeare.

Action, Shounen, Fantasy, Mystery, Drama, Psychological

Episodenanzahl bis jetzt:

4,5 von 5 Quallies

Grund: die Story finde ich bis jetzt ziemlich gut, aber ich hoffe, dass das Ganze nicht ausartet; wie sie die Prinzessin auf der Insel erklären wollen etc. ist mir noch unklar ...

Platz 2: Code: Breaker

Riding the bus one day, Sakura Sakurakouji looks out the window to see people being burned alive with a blue fire as a boy her age remains unharmed and stands over the people. When she goes back to the site the next day, there are no corpses or evidence of any kind of murder, just a small fire. When Sakura goes to class, she discovers the new transfer student is the same boy she saw the day before. Sakura soon learns that he is Rei Ogami, the sixth "Code: Breaker," a special type of assassin with a strange ability and a member of a secret organization that serves the government.             (aus:

Action, Comedy, Shounen, Super Power, Supernatural, School

Episodenanzahl bis jetzt:

4,5 von 5 Quallies

Grund: ich will noch nicht zu schnell urteilen, aber diese Serie entwickelt sich unglaublich gut; nur an der Sympathie zum Hauptcharakter muss ich wohl noch etwas arbeiten ;)

Und nun endlich kommen wir zu ...

 Platz 1: Sword Art Online

In the year 2022, the Virtual reality Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (VRMMORPG), Sword Art Online (SAO), is released. With the Nerve Gear, a virtual reality Helmet that stimulates the user's five senses via their brain, players can experience and control their in-game characters with their minds.
On November 6, 2022, all the players log in for the first time, and subsequently discover that they are unable to log out. They are then informed by Kayaba Akihiko, the creator of SAO, that if they wish to be free and log out of the game, they must reach the 100th floor of the game's tower and defeat the final boss. However, if their avatars die in-game, their bodies will also die in the real world. The story follows Kirito, a skilled player who is determined to beat the game. As the game progresses, Kirito eventually befriends a female player called Asuna who becomes his partner and lover. After the duo discover the identity of Kayaba's avatar in SAO, they confront and defeat him, freeing themselves and the other players from the game.

Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Game, Romance

Episodenanzahl bis jetzt:

5 von 5 Quallies

Grund:ich weiß, dass die Serie schon etwas älter ist, aber da die "zweite Staffel" jetzt gerade mit Episode 15 begonnen hat, nehme ich sie mit auf; 
Glaubt mir, ihr werdet diese Serie lieben!
Sie bietet einfach für jeden was!

 Also ich hoffe da war was für euch dabei.

Wie ist eure Top-Liste diese Season? Kennt ihr einige der Animes schon?
Wie ist eure Meinung darüber?

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